Urban & Unique

Urban & Unique

Urban & Unique

History and Heritage of Ancestors

Avlabari is among Tbilisi’s oldest districts. Many years ago, the Metekhi Bridge connected it to Kala, the neighborhood across Mtkvari and its uttermost eastern gates faced Kakheti road. Avlabari was full of bustle — people of diverse backgrounds mingled near merchant stalls and workshops; worshippers congregated in famed Metekhi and Armenian churches. Prominent Norwegian author Knut Hamsun paints a vivid portrait of the area in his travelog, “In Wonderland,” where writer’s preference of Tbilisi’s oriental charm over its European sensibility is made obvious in the following passage

“One of the districts of the city has amazed me so much that we have visited it many times: it is the Asian district. Tiflis is full of show-glasses, theaters, gentlemen and ladies dressed in European fashion, but the Asian district is something else. Its streets are more than just streets: they are turns, blind corners, stairs, this and that. These stairs connect a house with another – from the side, from the bottom, from above. People of different nationalities trade from stalls and what remarkable items do they sell! Persians and Turks trade in Tehran and Constantinople, while here everybody who happens to live in the Caucasus: Persians, Kurds, Armenians, Arabs, Turkmens, Palestinians and even Tibetans. Here it is peaceful, not a single sign of fuss. Oriental serenity is truly charming.”

Avlabari, it seems, has kept the spirit of archaic Tbilisi alive, especially its southern part, where narrow streets crisscross chaotic infrastructure and where beautiful, vintage balconies overlook Mtkvari and Narikala. Here in this atmospheric environment, right in the center of historical Tbilisi is Sandali Metekhi Boutique Hotel located; but before we get into details about the hotel, let’s talk about the origin of its name, or the legend behind it.

Many centuries ago, on a clear, moonlit night Queen Tamar had trouble falling asleep. The reason for the monarch’s anxiety dealt with her army - the troops sent in support of her Muslim allies were embroiled in a fierce battle that night. After many agonizing hours Tamar finally took off her sandals and embarked on a solo walk towards Metekhi church barefoot, where she prayed until sunrise. As the morning came, the news of sweet victory brightened the day!

Aesthetic Concept Of Sandali Hotel

Thus, the whole concept of Sandali Hotel is built around the ancient part of Tbilisi that’s full of legends and history. Eclectic aesthetic of this cozy hotel unites art-deco, oriental and contemporary design elements, which together with lively colors create an extravagant environment. Plush, ultra-comfortable rooms open to magical views of the river, Narikala and Avlabari, whereas high-category suites boast deluxe baths inside bedrooms. Want to pamper yourself with an ultimate luxurious experience? Book a Glass Suite and immerse yourself in a glass bathtub on a terrace overlooking Mtkvari.


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